means that we carry our own reusable shopping bags, which can usually be folded into tiny little things fitting everywhere, at the same time saving our s t y l e s, as trully what can ruin a lovely composed outfit worse than a mixture of various, multi coloured plastic bags?
Style is an a t t i t u d e, expressed in every single moment of our lives. And should we possess it, it simply affects every domain of our life.
Style is not:
-> being rich
-> buying expensive stuff wether we can afford it or not
-> being unapproachable & snobbish
-> copying other people's styles but
finding our own individual ones, by getting in touch with who we really are, while at the same time allowing ourselves to get inspired by others.
The bags used here are and can respectively be found as described:
-> black one: H&M Spring collection 2009 but a similar and rather nicer one is launched in the
new Spring collection.
-> black - grey - beige - graphic one, which fits in a tiny pocket : from reisenthel, a German
company which can be found online here
-> blue & green flowers one: part of the "eco - carry" collection, aiming to the protection of
sea life, produced from 100% recycled bottles and manufactured in an ethically audited
factory, as they say. It was found in a shop in the old city center of Mainz, but as this might not
be of help for many of you, more info can found here: