
...just because... allows space for the individuals to be the protagonists rather than the objects

...because sometimes silence is golden and silent interiors contribute to that the era of multimedia and everything published /aired/ blogged/ twittered/ stated in FB/ shared in any possible way

...keeping the balance is hard...but so incredibly necessary

...extrospection  is needed as much as introspection, otherwise we tend to share just for the mere purpose of sharing...resulting often in.... not really having much to share...( reaching to the point ---> Attention needed no matter what )

As much as extrospection, in common words observing ( to put it in a kind manner ) what others do, is so often noticed and exercised, there seems to be a rather big absence of introspection, meaning , observing ourselves, personalities and behavior.

But to achieve that, we must be willing to see all parts of ourselves, parts that are often unpleasant, small, wrong, terrifying sometimes, along with all the greatness that each of us carries.

And there comes the point ,where lots of people, stop, turn their backs and simply say "I don't need to do that", "I have already done it".

Well, should this be done, it means that it actully becomes a process of our daily realities, looking inside, taking care of our own gardens, as much as we look, admire, get in spired ( and at worst get envious) of other people's gardens, or advise them about how their flowers will grow, when our own are actually not blooming at all.

A possible way it manifests is through the actual speech of people...somehow eventhough we may be speaking about ourselves, there is no need to start every single sentence with "I", "me", "mine" or point all the arrows to us ( look at me/ hear me / love me/ admire me / be jealous of me...)...the actions are to be emphasized...and there is a realisation that we are just simply, another human existence in this world.

...we don't take ourselves more seriously than we should....and we have managed to refine the notion of being's more rare than commom though, among well known people ( and not only), and this is just so sad.....and to bring this post to a closure with a positive feeling...after having stated in a way what un/de -inspires me, here is what I'm trully inspired from (and also try to achieve)

-> taking small steps
-> taking time to establish and be established
-> sharing for a reason
-> offering inspiration as a means of balancing for the inspiration often received from
others, having something new to say, to show, to give
-> quiet strength
-> people with effortlessly sparkling personalities
-> depth in character
-> examining and tasting before taking a decision/ judging /accepting / turning down
-> being connected to life, to its reality, to its truth
-> learning and people who devote time and effort into doing that
-> being enthusiastic but rather not shouting it
-> whichever expression of emotion comes from within
-> genuine creativity
-> people who are mostly in touch with themselves ( this doesn't mean that they talk
about it , rather than act like it)
-> true qualities