When nature decides...

A dinner in Paris...it should have been...to celebrate my partner's birthday, wearing most probably this outfit...and a breakfast to begin the day (delicious croissants instead of humble bread), that would have most probably taken place in one of our favorite cafes in Montmarte ( instead of our tiny Penthouse), like we did the same period last year, when I first visited this magical city.

  Well, it seems that nature had other plans, which resulted in flight cancelations, and ours to Paris on early Friday morning was one of them. There was disappointment of course....and tension...but it is one of those cases, that one must accept what is happening, be thankful for positive aspects - in our case, living a 15' drive to Frankfurt airport, therefore the cancelation simply finding us home and receiving confirmation that there will be a full refund for the flight and hotel bookings - and then proceed to a new plan should that be wished.

And so it happened. The weather forecast promising lovely, Spring, warm and sunny weather, a  short weekend escape by car to Strasbourg, the lovely, reasonably sized for a weekend visit city, just by the southern borders  to Germany, seemed like and was a good alternative.

On the way there, a 2 hour stop to the beautiful German city of Karlsruhe was made, so as to visit the wonderful castle and gardens.
On the way back from Strasbourg, the green line was taken through France and southern Germany until eventually taking the high way back home. It's more or less a 2 to 2 1/2 hour drive.

   We returned both with 2000 pictures added up together, of which many are worth to be shared. Due to time restrictions though, just a few chosen will be for the time being. It's nice material to work on though...beautiful  scenery all around!

So, one more time life and nature became great teachers, reminding us who has the power and showing us, that should we not be able to adjust in life's changes and master our ambitions, happiness might be always close, but somewhere round the corner...not really manifesting in our lives and living in our hearts.

Now is all we have, the present is where we live and here is where happiness lies.
Dreams are lovely and we all do so much enjoy to daydream and escape sometimes...and that is o.k, so long as we do not lie to ourselves and become identified with our dreams in an unhealthy manner, believing that we are who we wished to be.

We are who we are, and should we want to evolve as existences and our dreams to manifest in our lives, we need to work on many levels equally....the practical, the emotional, the spiritual, the bodily...

All are important and need to be taken care of....and now that these have been said and written and shared....movement is what I need and wish for...other than the typing performed by my fingers....

Wish you all to be spending a lovely day, despite its possible cancelations and disappointments and find the pleasure in simple things....