Simple thoughts on domestic life

...or domestic simplicities...would you join me in seeing what life itself brought into the span of my attention today? I'd be so delighted to share with you...

Even a small rearrangement, when cleaning up, can bring a fresh feeling in our living we are not always in the mood or have the time to invest in bigger changes.


....just the vintage books, which have since recently been serving decorative purposes on the coffetable surface, have been shuffled up, bringing up the lighter one with the golden lettering.

It is worth noticing the big impact that even bits of colour have in our spaces.

As an additional change, the porcelain form, serving as a candleholder, has been placed on the books instead of next to them, sitting on the same paper doily that was "accidentally" forgotten under the books, in the previous arrangement.

I find that being  p r e s e n t  when cleaning, eventhough I might as well be out enjoying the sunshine at that point, has a more creative effect to the whole process and actually incorporates some decorating in it....I guess this is how traditional housewifes used to do it in the past, could it be ?

...when decorative tips and ideas were not widely offered and presented via magazines, books and recently blogs and TV shows...and when people were more concentrated on themselves in the most unselfish way....

Some more thoughts about our daily lives emerged, after seeing this picture I took this morning...

A goog morning...
...can be prognosed from the early morning, says a Greek proverb.

Well, jugding from the early sun rays bathing the little Penthouse this morning, I must admit this could be true.

Still, my considerations are, that we can stop and change the flow of our days at any given point, should we feel that something might have not started in the best possible way.

A w a r e n e s s   is the first step.
A c c e p t a n c e  the next.
Then comes  i n t e n t i o n  to change,
and finally  r e a l i s a t i o n  of our intentions by taking  a c t i o n.

And finally, combining the two pictures in the begining of the post in a diptych, gave rise to sharing the following thougts and appreciations on life and its magical simplicity....

...coz life's beauty lies in living it simple....

Simplicity is often mistaken as less or just not enough and there are so many of us running around - and often away! - like mad, trying to always have more, achieve more, earn more, be more, when trully nothing can be compared with the blissfulness and prettyness of the relaxed beauty of simply being who we are and enjoying the gift of life and whichever activity we might be engaged into.

We do need to be or to become a little bit wise though, to reach to the point of appreciating ourselves and our lives.

And should we reach to this point (for which very often a lot of hard work in all fields - practical, emotional, spiritual, mental, educational - is required), just everything, kind of magically, falls into place and that manifests in our daily lives, the way we treat ourselves and others....

So, I' m wishing us all to be finding the beauty in the simple things in life, which are always the most precious ones....inside lies the treasure...outside it also becomes evident.