...a giant, wooden wishbone
...a mini shelf with a small glass vase and candleholder collection
...and blossoming branches collected on a sunny Sunday afternoon...
It's not much...but it means the world to me.
I like styling that evolves and grows with the inhabitants of a place...aka "organic" styling...
All have an important meaning for a reason...
->The wallpaper from Albert Van Luit (1965) was a very lucky and unique find years ago ( among with a few other rolls), in the attic of one of Athen's oldest wallpaper shops.
I got inspired after returning from my first trip to Amsterdam about a year ago and rolled it out, as a piece of art.
-> The wooden wish bone was found in our garden by my father and given to me, after saying how much I liked it.
-> All of these are "standing" above the couch that my partner had chosen many years ago, before we met and which I could have also chosen myself.
-> The milky glass candleholder (on the left on the shelf) was my first lucky win on Ebay when I came to Germany (1 euro!)
-> The golden/honey coloured vase is another vintage, lucky find from DDR.
-> The blossoming branches are the ones collected today on a sunny afternoon walk, ones that I was longing for since months...
What simple things mean the world to you?...which simple gestures, actions, activities, objects?
Which of them were part of this weekend?...did you find beauty in life's joyful simplicities?....If yes, which ones?...If no, which ones would you like to live, encounter in the upcoming days and near future?
Vintage wallpaper...
everyday life,
interior design,