...forms of goodness will always cross our paths in life....sometimes we'll be the ones to give and others we'll be the ones to receive....eventhough the cup of pain doesn't have the same size for everyone....there will be goodness and blissfulness knocking on our doors and our windows...we must open though...trully open...and be prepared...cause as we open to feelings of bliss and happiness, we are also susceptible to feelings of fear, sorrow and sadness...
It is so normal though, as we cannot be happy, smiling robots, always excited about everything and always pleased with ourselves and others...unless we are participating in a play rather than real life....
So, true happiness can be felt when we have also allowed sorrow to be felt.
Sadly, it is mostly considered as a sign of weakness in our current societies....sensitivity, which is the basis for experiencing feelings in all their range, is considered often a shame.
Maybe all the great individuals throughout the whole human existence, who have accomplished greatness should be considered....maybe then there is a chance of considering a different perspective...
Sensitivity doen't need to be mistaken for overemotionalism, when everything seems to affect us in an extreme degree, possibly impairing our daily lives...
Sensitivity doesn't need to be confused with many powerful words...for this again, is a quality to be expressed in someone's actions and felt rather than be spoken about...
Sensitivity is possibly respecting deeply ourselves as we respect others...
Keep in mind that a delicate, adjustable tree with a flexible bark will be the one to survive strong storms, as it has the ability to bend...and then stand straight and safe again...able to enjoy the next sunshine and spring...
This attitude has helped me through all kinds of life's difficulties, since early childhood....the heart was kept soft....as a hard heart is a frozen heart....and all the blissfulness and warmth of the world is not enough to make it alive again...
Would you risk that?....we have it in our hands....we hold happiness in our hands...we are the key...we have the responsibility....